Friday 8 May 2015

Oracle Managed Files handson part 2: ftp transfer

[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4

In the first part, only local files have been transferred. In this second part it will be shown how to do the same with files via ftp.
As Oracle Managed File Transfer (MFT) is an application running on Weblogic Server (WLS), MFT is also utilizing the security mechanisms of WLS. So the access rights first have to be configured in the Weblogic-Console (http://HOSTNAME:PORT/console, e.g. http://localhost:7001/console).

Starting in the Weblogic Console, click on Security Realms in the left pane, then on myrealm in the right pane.

Under Users and Groups, create a new user by clicking on New.

Give him a name and a password, finish with OK.

Now the user is known to WLS, but has no rights to use MFT. Switch to the MFT Console. On the Administration tab, under Embedded Server in the tree view on the left, click on User Access.
For searching the user, enter the first three letters 'ftp' into the search box and choose the complete name from the list box. Then click on the right arrow button to select that user.
The /ftptransfer folder exists by default. Check the boxes for write- and list-permissions and click on Save.

By choosing Ports in the left tree panel, the ports of the embedded ftp server can be shown.

With these settings, a first connection test to the internal ftp-server could be done. Any ftp client would be fine, eg. via the command line: ftp localhost 7021. For better convenience, start ftp from the directory where the zipped test file (eg. from part 1) resides.
Leave the ftp session open, as it will be needed again in a few steps.

For transfering the files from the internal ftp server, another source is needed. This one will also be created under Design/Sources. This time, choose the type FTP Embedded and Browse to the /ftptransfer directory. This is already available, as MFT creates one for every ftp user automatically.

For the newly created source, a new Transport needs to be created.

For the source, choose the new ftp-sorce. The targets will be the same as in part 1. The only-txt target gets an additional decompress as post-processing action. Save and deploy to finish this step.

Use the formerly opened ftp session to test the ftp-transfer. use the commands bin (for binary, because of the zip format), then put and ls to check if the file arrived correctly.

After a moment, both files should be listed at the Monitoring Dashboard in the bottom right area.

The result can also be checked at the file sytem. When the files arrived correctly, this part of the tutorial for the built-in ftp-server is done.

--> Oracle Managed File Transfer (MFT) handson - Teil 3: Custom Callouts in Java

[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4